There are several meanings of the word “science”. It is firstly a vast collection of facts expressed in exact and unambiguous language and secondly a collection of rules or laws which express the connections between these facts. But every technology around us, everything we use firstly was discovered by science. Every minute we communicate with the work of hundred of people. We ring the telephone, then watch TV and ride a bicycle and use many other things, which were invented and improved by many scientists. So we can prove, that modem civilization is everything that has been achieved thanks to science. It is also said that knowledge is power. There are people who have our admiration and respect. They posses bright mental abilities and some useful qualities which help them to survive and to rise in the world. As Thomas Edison said;, "Genius is 1 per cent inspiration and 99 per cent perspiration”. For me strong personalities are not those people who have a lot of Money and high position in society. They are the people who have courage to sacrifice wealth and honor for genuine values. These people are ready to give, to be helpful... These people are not boastful. They just try to do their best, in everything. In the list of the great persons of the world stands the name of Thomas Alva Edison. His contribution better living were 1093" inventions, among most successful are the phonograph, the incandescent bulb and moving pictures. These are only three of hundreds. He also made the inventions of other people into practical things that could be bought and sold. Without his work the telegraph and telephone, for example, might have remained unknown. But he as a real scientist did that not for honors and medals He was never afraid of failing. "We haven't failed, - told he an unhappy worker during one set of disappointing experiments- - We now know 100 things that won't work. So we are much closer to finding one that will." His feelings about money were something the same. He never hesitated to spend every cent that he had. He considered money a material like metal, to be used rather kept. He was a great optimist, ready to start from the very beginning. When we was 67 his laboratory was completely destroyed, but he didn't lose courage and determination, and began to build a new bigger and better laboratory. He never stopped working. At the age of 80, he began to study botany, a science new to him. He wanted to find a plant which would produce rubber. And after he had experiment with 17000 kinds of plants he finally got the rubber from the ordinary roadside plant. In spite of his business Edison always found time for his family. He was a good father who tried to give his children all the knowledge that he had himself. Finally at the age of 84 his health started to fail. And on the 18-th of October,1931 Thomas Alva Edison died. We often connect famous scientists with prizes and medals. The most famous science prize is Nobel Prize. Alfred Bernhard Nobel is a well-known scientist, who was born in Sweden. From his father, Immanuel Nobel, he learned the fundamentals of engineering, and, like his father, he had a talent for invention. The Nobel family left Stockholm in 1842 to join the father in St. Petersburg, Educated mainly by tutors, young Nobel was a competent chemist at 16 and Was fluent in English, French, German, Russian, and Swedish. Returning to Sweden, Nobel began the manufacture of the liquid explosive nitroglycerin. Shortly after production was under way, the factory blew up, causing the death of his youngest brother, Emil, and four other people. After that Nobel, who had, become stereotyped as a "mad scientist." began experimenting to find a way to minimize the danger of handling nitroglycerin and developed a more powerful form of dynamite. About a decade later, he produced ballistite, one of the first nitroglycerin smokeless powders. His worldwide interests in explosives, in addition to large holdings in the Baku oil fields of Russia, brought him an immense fortune but required him to travel almost constantly. He never married. He had an abiding interest in literature and his youth he had written poetry in English. The beginnings of a novel were found among his papers.